Why Do We Need Anthropology? On the Mutual Penetration of Discourses on Culture/Spiritual Culture

Keywords: cultural anthropology, culture, global village, tradition, cultural discourse


The modern world is a multicultural world and we have probably got used to it—at least most of us have. Hence, every day, for example at work, we try to overcome the differences that divide us, seeking to communicate with someone about whom we really know very little. Although we understand the person, we are unable to „empathise” with his or her world. Cultural/interpretive anthropology, whose natural context is the „global village”, helps us to domesticate the „Other”. Referring to selected coryphaeuses of anthropology, I tried to build step by step the thread of understanding with „someone” who does not belong to my world and never will. In this proposal, I do not sugar-coat the differences, and it is precisely in spite of these differences that I seek agreement with the „someone” behind whom stands a different, unique tradition. Agreement is possible because we are all human, but ‘tailored’ to our own culture. Interpretive anthropology is a peculiar proposal that meets most often with philosophy of culture and with literature.


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