From the Old Middle Ages to the New One

Keywords: Hildegard of Bingen, middle ages, crisis of culture, humanism, ecology, moderation, good and evil knowledge (scientia bona, scientia mala)


The main purpose of this article is presentation of chosen aspects which say about functioning of the thought and creation of Hildegard of Bingen in XX and XXI century. Wide interest of this creation is in this article a form of representation of growing tendency of resumption of the long lost spiritual dimension of live. Interest about creation and person of Hildegard started to becoming more popular after the period of philological works which recalled her work. Hildegard’s works became source of inspiration for philologists, philosophers, theologians, artists and musicologists. There are many Companies of Friends of Hildegard which propagate her ideas. In the context of today’s crisis of culture her admonitions to clergy and her ideas of philosophy of man seems very actual. In this sphere idea of Christian humanism is especially important. Current and important are her opinions about scientific research especially about distinction of good and evil knowledge (scientia bona, scientia mala). Also idea of moderation and idea of human to earth relation. This is probably the reason why dietetics and medicine of her are so popular in this days. Thanks to that, Hildegard of Bingen from old middle ages enters into new middle ages which perhaps will come to be.


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