Integration and Intercultural Relations in the Past and in the Future: A Philosophy of Migration

Keywords: integration, migration, other, intercultural relation, identity, values, Europe, process of socialization


In this article is presented the problem of integration in European culture. The integration process is an important element of European culture. It appears at the beginning when this culture arose as a result of taking over some elements of other cultures in its development. Contemporary integration refers to the eighteenth-century formation of nation-states and confrontation with universal values. Attitude towards other cultures and European identity refers to such values as common good, freedom or responsibility. As the philosophy of the twentieth century shows, an important element has become the relationship between me and another, the interlocutor. The experiences of values constitute between us. Through this lens, we can observe the problem of migration, which is based on the fight for human rights. It is around her that European identity is created. These interpersonal relationships reveal the meaning and sense of migration, which for Europe are inspirations for deeper integration.


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