Past, Present, or Future: What’s The Difference?
This essay examines Marcin Tkaczyk’s “The antinomy of future contingent events,” with an eye towards clarifying the roles played by philosophical notions of propositions, events, the present, the relativity of time, and Tkaczyk’s notion of a “sphere of culture.” The essay concludes by examining what support might be offered for Tkaczyk’s claim that people can to some degree change the past.
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Mann, William E. 2015. “Jephthah’s Plight: Moral Dilemmas and Theism.” In William E. Mann. God, Modality, and Morality. New York: Oxford University Press, 2015, 269–295; translated into Polish and reprinted as “Jefte w tarapatach: Moralne dylematy a teizm.” Translated by Marcin Iwanicki. Roczniki Filozoficzne 65 (2017), no. 4: 351–81. DOI: 10.18290/ rf.2017.65.4-16.
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Tkaczyk, Marcin “The antinomy of future contingent events,” in typescript. References to passages from this work are embedded in the following text with the indication of the pages of the printed version – in this volume, pp. 5–38.
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