Far Worlds in the astronomical researches
(rec.: Paul Murdin. The Secret Lives of Planets: Order, Chaos, and Uniqueness in the Solar System)
"The work realized as part of the projectproject funded by the Minister of Science and Higher Education within the program under the name "Regional Initiative of Excellence" in 2019-2022 (project number: 028/RID/2018/19, the amount of funding: 11 742 500 PLN)".
Betancur, Molina. 2017. “The method of analysis and synthesis and the discovery of Neptune.” Estudios de Philosophia 55: 30–53.
Eriksson, Gustav, and Kevin Garcia Martin. Discovery of Neptune. Degree Project in Technology. KTH Royal Institute of Technology. School of Engineering Sciences. Stockholm, 2018.
Gapaillard, Jacques. 2015.“By How Much Did Le Verrier Err on the Position of Neptune?” Journal for the History of Astronomy 46: 48–65.
Hadamard, Jacques. 1898. “Les surfaces à courbures opposées et leurs lignes géodésiques.” Journal des mathématiques pures et appliquées 4: 27–73.
Kollerstrom, Nicholas. 2006. “John Herschel on the Discovery of Neptune.” Journal of Astronomical History and Heritage” 9, no. 2: 151–158.
Kragh, Helge. 2008. The Moon that Wasn't. The Saga of Venus’ Spurious Satellite. Basel/Boston/ Berlin: Birkhäuser.
Levenson, Thomas. 2015. The Hunt for Vulcan: ... and How Albert Einstein Destroyed a Planet, Discovered Relativity, and Deciphered the Universe. New York: Random House.
Maxwell, Nicholas. 2017. Karl Popper, Science and Enlightenment, London: University College Press.
Murdin, Paul. 2020. The Secret Lives of Planets: Order, Chaos, and Uniqueness in the Solar System. London/New York: Pegasus Books.
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