Henryk z Hesji (zm. 1397) jako autorytet polskiej późnośredniowiecznej komentarystyki biblijnej. Stanisława z Zawady (zm. 1491) Komentarz do Księgi Rodzaju

  • Maria Szafarkiewicz


Henry of Hesse, Langenstein (1325-1391), a theology professor at Paris University, then from 1383 on at Vienna University, was an author of numerous learned papers on many particular sciences, especially physics, astronomy, astrology, and theological works: treatises, papers, addresses, sermons and commentaries. In the period 1385-1393 he wrote (and lectured at Vienna University) a commentary to the Book of Genesis known under the title of Lecturae super prologum et Genesim. This commentary embraced, after the pattern of St Augustin's commentary (De Genesi ad litteram), the interpretation of God's work the creation of the world and the history of man in paradise (Gen. 1. 1-3.19). Nicolas H. Steneck wrote a very detailed presentation of Henry of Hesse's commentary on the interpretation of the first chapter of the Book of Genesis (six days of creation) in his work entitled Science and Creation in the Middle Ages. Henry of Langenstein (d. 1397), on Genesis. Notre Dame (London) 1976.

Stanisław of Zawada (ca. 1425-1491), a Polish Biblicist and theology professor at Cracow University, also based himself on the prologue and commentary to the five days of creation. He is the author of a three-volume commentary to the Book of Genesis: ms. BJ 1358, vol. I, kk. 1-568; ms. BJ 1429, vol. II, kk. 1-636; ms. BJ 1429, vol. III, kk. 637(642)-982 which contains the interpretation of the whole Book of Genesis (Gen. 1.1-50.25). Stanisław's text depends on Lecturae super Genesim by Henry of Hesse and this concerns the whole ms. BJ 1358. The spiritual influence, though, of Henry of Hesse stretches over the total number of exegetic explanations written by Stanisław (ms. BJ 1429, kk. 1-636). The so-called vol. III contains a supplement to the commentary in the form of a copy of a few works quoted by Stanisław in the commentary.
