Zarzuty pseudonaukowości wobec Włodzimierza Sedlaka koncepcji bioplazmy

  • Józef Zon


A number of authors (W. Bulanda, W. Majewski, A. Paszewski, and K. Wierzchowski) claimed that works of W. Sedlak devoted to the concept of bioelectronics and bioplasma do not conform the criteria of scientific publications. In their opinion the degree of nonconformity is so great, that they ought be considered as pseudoscientific ones. Having accepted many of the charges brought about by these critics, the present author disagrees with such a radical opinion. Notwithstanding this, he maintains that publications authored by Sedlak are valuable, at least heuristically. They should not be considered as belonging either to pseudoscience or parascience. Because of many methodological faults and errors, they may well be considered as the „crippled” ones, yet belonging to the domain of science.
