Koncepcja człowieka w niektórych plemionach afrykańskich. (Refleksje filozoficzno-psychologiczne)
Ebner E. OSB (1987). The History of the Wangoni: their origin in the South Africa Bantu Tribes. Ndanda: Peramihi.
Hastings A. (1973). Christian marriage in Africa. London.
Jan Paweł II (1995). Posynodalna adhortacja „Ecclesia in Africa”. Watykan.
Kataso D. (1997). The role of woman in African tradition, culture and custom. Morogoro: SMS.
Kesenene P. (1993). Another look at suicide: an African perspective. African Ecclesia Review, 35 (5).
Kavanaugh F. J. (1970). Human ralization: an introduction to the philosophy of man. New York.
Luena O. D. (1995). The role of woman in development in the AMECEA countries. African Ecclesia Review, 37 (5/6).
Mbiti J. S. (1992). Introduction to African religion. Nairobi.
Mbiti J. S. (1994). African religious and philosophy. Nairobi.
Mhowera S. OSA (1996). Philosophy of human being in African perspective. W: African and western philosophy, the human being in Africa. Morogoro: SMS.
Mushariamina M. (1981). Traditional african marriage and cristian marriage. Kisubi.
Mugambi J., Krima N. (1979). African religious heritage. Nairobi.
Mwinami F. SDS (1996). Morals in Africa Society. W: African and western philosophy, the human being in Africa. Morogoro: SMS.
Nzota W. (1996). Marriage in some patriarchal Bantu Tribes. W: African and western philosophy, the human being in Africa. Morogoro: SMS.
Ochieng-Odhiambo F. (1995). African philosophy: an introduction. Nairobi.
Okure T. (1989). A theological view of woman's role in promoting cultural/humanism development. African Ecclesia Review, 31 (6).
Pelt Van P. (1982). Bantu customs in Mainland Tanzania. Tabora.
Philips A., Morris H. F. (1971). Marriage laws in Africa. London.
Tempels P. (1969). Bantu philosophy. Paris.
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