Reakcje emocjonalne a aktywność katecholaminergiczna u dzieci w sytuacji przewlekłego stresu
In 104 children with emotional disturbances at the age of puberty and in 30 healthy peers personality studies were carried out and 24-hour urinary excretion of catecholamines (adrenaline and noradrenaline) was determined.
Among these emotional symptoms the most frequent ones were such as hyperexcitability, anxiety, patho1ogical habits and sleep disturbances.
The indices of anxiety and introversion showed a high intensity of anxiety and features of introversion in children with these disturbances.
The catecholaminergic activity was studied in relation to the type of emotional disturbances, and increased adrenaline excretion was found in children with aggressive reactions, with hyperexcitability and sleep problems. Noradrenaline excretion was decreased in children with various emotional symptoms: hyperexcitability and anxiety reactions, inhibition and emotional depression.
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