Koncepcja siebie u dzieci asertywnych i nieasertywnych: submisyjnych i agresywnych
The article is focused on the relationships between assertiveness and self-concept in children. A sample of 269 children (132 girls and 137 boys) aged 12-15 years (M=13,8) were investigated by means of the Children's Assertive Behavior Scale (CABS) by Michelson and Wood, and the Adjective Check List (ACL) by Gough and Heilbrun. From the total sample three extreme groups were separated according to scores in three subscales of CABS: assertive children, N=45 (24 girls, 21 boys), submissive children, N=29 (12 girls and 17 boys), and aggressive children, N=31 (11 girls and 20 boys).
As it was hypothesided there were important differences among self-concepts of three groups. The most prominent of them suggested higher interpersonal adjustment and higher self--esteem in assertive children, uncontroled emotional expression in aggressive children, and higher succorance need in submissive children.
In contrary to the second hypothesis, quantitave and qualitative differences in their self--concepts were higher between assertive and aggressive children than between assertive and submissive children. The results are discussed in reference to the role of self-esteem as variable important in relation between assertive behaviour and self-concept.
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