Poziom inteligencji a obraz siebie chorych na schizofrenię paranoidalną

  • Maria Monika Chuchra


180 patients with paranoid schizophrenia were subject to examination. They were examined individually, in the period of remission. Their intellectual capacities were assessed by means of the Wechsler-Bellvue Scale, whereas self-concept was assessed by the Adjective Check List. On the basis of a general intelligence quotient the following extreme subgroups were statistically isolated:
− with the lowest intelligence quotient in the group under examination (85-101; x = 92,9), which comprised 46 subjects;
− with the highest intelligence quotient in the group under examination (116-132; x = 120,6), which comprised 47 subjects.

In the subsequent stage the real and retrospective self-concepts were compared with the highest and lowest intelligence quotients, thereby the following conclusions could be drawn:
1. The real self-concepts in paranoid schizophrenics differ essentially in relation to their level of intelligence.
2. The patients with the highest and lowest intelligence quotient have similar retrospective self-concepts.
3. The patients with higher intelligence quotient have a more intense sense of changing oneself than the patients with a lower quotient.


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