Obraz siebie i partnera a wzajemna atrakcyjność w diadzie mieszanej
Apparently, an interesting source of interpersonal attractiveness is likeness between the partners of a diad, especially with regard to the self-images and images of partner. This results from the motivating function which self-assessment plays in man's personality. Such an outcome is also suggested by the hitherto studies ⟨Markus, Smith 1981; Karyłowski 1977; Raute-von Wright 1987⟩. Drawing on those suggestions, hypotheses have been formulated, hypotheses which assumed the following source of partners' attractiveness in the mixed diad (woman-man): the observed resemblance between the real self-image and the image of partner (H1); the observed resemblance between the ideal self-image and the image of partner; the influence of the above resemblance on the attractiveness of the partners of the diad is modified by the level of self-acceptance of the perceiving person (H3).
The above hypotheses were then subject to empirical verification. The self-image (real and ideal) and the image of partner were examined by means of the Adjective Check List (ACL) in its new 37-scale version. The Scale of Attractiveness (SKAT) as worked out by Nęcki ⟨1975⟩ was employed to study attractiveness. The subjects were men and women (60 mixed diads), who have known each other for at least two years. The mean age was 26.2 years. The subjects were graduates of secondary schools (62%) or universities (38%). They have been married (48%) or single (52%).
The findings have confirmed the presumed hypotheses. At the same time it turned out that the scope and extent of links between the variables under study differ in the case of the real image (H1) and the ideal image (H2). A likeness between the ideal image and the image of partner makes the field of diad more differentiated and broader in scope. This field, however, has not a structural character, particular aspects of the ideal self-image show no signs of mutual links. A more structurally bound field is the real self-image (cf. tab. 13).
The studies have shown an essential influence of sex on the scope and direction of relations of either variable. That relationship is greater in the subgroup of women, and in their case a likeness between the ideal self-image and the image of partner is more important as regards attractiveness. The level of self-acceptance in the person perceiving resemblance of images is additionally important for attractiveness, especially if that resemblance is perceived by the woman.
In the process of making the partners of the diad more attractive the principle of similarity of images is more important than their complementariness; the latter occurs mainly in relation with a low self-acceptance of the person perceiving similarity of image.
It has also turned out that the very image of partner is a better chosen ground for predicting attractiveness than the similarity of self-images and images of partner (cf.tab. 14).
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