Postawy „być” i „mieć” w psychologii
The paper sought to present and order the opinions on "to be" and "to have" extant in psychology. To differentiate between "to be" and "to have" seems to be important as regards both theory and life of an average man. "To be" and "to have" have been dealt with in various psychological contests: in fragments (Cekiera, Chlewiński, Kozielecki, and Oleś), or "to be" and "to have" taken as a whole (Frankl, Fromm, and Popielski). The present paper sought to grasp some common elements extant in the understanding of "to be" and "to have" in the views of different authors.
The paper proposes to grasp and interpret various opinions on "to be" and "to have" in the context of the main statements of existential psychology. The representatives of that branch in psychology (Binswanger, Boss, Ellenberger, Minkowski, May, and Tillich) emphasize how important is the fact of man's freedom and responsibility and his "being-in-the-world" (in-der-Welt-Sein). In his "being-in-the-world" man must relate himself to the world of nature (Umwelt), to other people (Mitwelt), to his own experiences (Eigenwelt), and to the spatial perspective and temporal character of his own existence.
In the context of those statements of existential psychology, and analyzing mainly the opinions of Fromm and Staehelin, "to be" and "to have" may be taken as two opposing attitudes towards reality. The "to be" attitude is understood in psychology as an attitude in which a person lives through their unity with the whole of the universe, preserving at the same time their own integrity and developing their own abilities. It is a creative attitude connected with a desire to find the truth about reality, to be delighted with the world and to love other people.
The "to have" attitude is understood as an attitude characterized by a certain basic sense of apprehension, certain distrust towards reality. This attitude is dominated by egocentrism and pragmatism towards reality.
Thus understood "to be" and "to have" attitudes have their cognitive, emotional and behavioral dimension (any differences here are revealed mainly in the motivation of behaviors). The "to be" and "to have" attitudes are manifested in man's relation to the universe, nature, future, inevitable suffering, other people and his own person.
According to Erich Fromm, what is decisive in the genesis of the "to be" and "to have" attitudes is the manner in which a person satisfies their existential needs (the "proper" manner forms the "to be" attitude, the "improper" manner forms the "to have" attitude).
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