Interakcyjne koncepcje tworzenia się jaźni u dziecka

  • Jerzy Strojnowski


The authors whose scientific output has been presented here stood out for they showed the development of structure of personality, especially of self, as a result of the relationship individual-environment, especially social environment.

Mention has been made about depression in infants, as described by R. Spitz, and about D.W. Winnicott's objects and transitory activities. J. Bowlby's conception of attachment has been discussed more extensively as well as his hints for parents who would like to protect their child from neurosis.

The paper reports on J.D. Lichtenberg's description of the development of personality in infants as a result of an active adjustment to the nursing person and broader environment. N. Stern describes overlapping senses of self which successively appear in the child. Their development is the outcome of a dialogue between the child and the nursing person.


Bowlby J.: Attachment and Loss. London 1969. The Hogarth Press (tłum. niemieckie: Bindung. Eine Analyse der Mutter-Kind Beziehung. Frankfurt am M. 1984. Fischer Verlag).

Bowlby J.: The Making and Breaking of Affectional Bonds. Tavistok Publication 1979, 1980 (tłum. niemieckie: Das Glück und die Trauer. Herstellung und Lösung affektiven Bindungen. Stuttgart 1982 Klett-Cotta).

Hurlock E. B.: Rozwój dziecka. Warszawa 1985, 1986. PWN.

Langer S. K.: Mind. An Essay of Human Feeling. Baltimore 1967. John Hopkins University Press.

Lichtenberg J. D.: Psychoanalysis and Infant Research. New York 1983. The Analytic Press (tłum. niemieckie: Psychoanalyse und Säuglingsforschung. Berlin 1991. Springer.

Spitz R. A.: The First Year of Life. A Psychoanalytic Study of Normal and Deviant Development of Objectrelations. New York 1965. International University Press.

Stern D. N.: The Interpersonal World of the Infant. A View from Psychoanalysis and Developmental Psychology. New York 1985. Basis Books.

Winnicott D. W: Playing and Reality. Tavistok Publications 1971, 1974, 1980.
