Potencjalność w psychologicznej analizie rozwoju

  • Ewa Rzechowska


In the paper the author presents the classic conception of the zone of proximal development (ZPD) and the directions of its development and redefinition. In the analyses of ZPD we find a variety of aspects. They make the point of departure for the search of the conceptual approach to the problems of there being some possibilities of development within the framework of a broader concept than ZPD. The proposal of the category potentiality in development as well as the model of potentiality in the development of man opens up a possibility to analyze the potentials of development not only from the outside, i.e. on the part of social supports, social contexts, mediation, cultural tools, but also on the part of the subject's ability to receive and transform social influences. J. Piaget's and L.S. Wygotski's theories and those of their followers have become the starting point for the searches after a psychological interpretation of potentiality in the development of man.


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