Starostoicka doktryna pneumy a koncepcja bioplazmy. I. Własności pneumy i plazmy fizycznej w świecie „nieożywionym”

  • Józef Zon


The philosophers of the Old Stoa claimed that the pneuma, a very subtle fire mixed in various proportions with air, is an essential component of all entities of the Cosmos, the living ones included. As its qualities were considered to be different from the ordinary fire, they also called pneua „creative fire”. Ubiquitous in the Cosmos and permeating all beings, it was seen as a medium putting all beings in mutual interaction.

In the concept of bioplasma an important role is ascribed to physical plasma and striking similarities may be noticed between this concept and the doctrine of pneuma. It was resolved therefore to give these parallels a closer examination. In this article the consideration was given to the properties and role of pneuma and physical plasma in the ”inanimated” world. The similarities and differences are identified and discussed.

As far as the first ones are concerned, both pneuma and plasma are considered to be very subtle, ubiquitous, primordial, vibrating, and permeating other states. Both pneuma and plasma are considered as primary in the critical periods of the global changes of the Universe: i.e. in the phase of ekpyrosis and after the Big-bang, respectively. Yet, many essential differences should not be overlooked. First of all, the pneuma concept is of philosophical nature, describing and consequently explaining also natural phenomena. To the Old Stoa the whole Cosmos is a living, conscious, and rational being: pneuma in it acting as the body governing the global changes of the Cosmos, as well as the changes of the individual beings (spermatikoi logoi). None of these qualities may be ascribed to physical plasma.


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