Zgromadzenia agoralne jako zjawisko społeczne. Analiza doświadczeń lat osiemdziesiątych w Polsce

  • Władysław Prężyna


An individual when it is in a group comes under its influence. The effects of such influence are usually appraised negatively, as a source of the individual’s alienation is seen in it. However, it seems that there are reasons for noticing effects favorable for the individual in the influence a group exerts on it, namely, processes are motivated in the individual that deepen its subjectivity. The term „agoral gathering” is suggested for a social situation satisfying the conditions for such influence to appear.

On the basis of the above assumptions empirical investigations were conducted during the gatherings accasioned by the Pope’s visits to Poland. The obtained data were used to illustrate the elements of the agoral gathering and to verify the presumed results of such gatherings.


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