Globalizm i religia

  • Zofia J. Zdybicka Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski, Wydział Filozofii
Słowa kluczowe: globalizm, personalizm, liberalizm, prawa człowieka, religia


Globalism denotes the most recent direction of economical and political changes that are going on in the world. The new structures presuppose some ideological assumptions: a conception of man and cultural dominating trends. This is a naturalistic and liberalistic vision of man, a vision that does not take into account his transcendent dimension.

Encounters and controversies between globalism and religion, that is Christianity, focus on the conception of man. Christianity assumes, proclaims and safeguards the conception of man as person. In this view person comes from the Personal God and goes towards Him; God is man's ultimate source of existence and the Highest Good at which man is supposed to aim through his life.

The personalistic conception of man requires that in the globalistic processes man should occupy the primary place. All structures, including economical and political, should take man in all personal dimensions, together with the ethical and religious ones.

Christianity as a universalistic religion is not against globalization; it takes care that its related processes are carried out in the full truth about man and aim at the authentic good of all people.


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