Humanizm tragiczny jako następstwo kulturowej śmierci Boga

  • Józef Życiński
Słowa kluczowe: egzystencjalizm, humanizm, kultura, nihilizm, osoba ludzka, postmodernizm, sekularyzacja, śmierć Boga


The philosophy of the death of God, pronounced by Friedrich Nietzsche in 1882, resulted in many negative consequences experienced in contemporary culture. The Nietzschean critique of the classical hierarchy of values inspired radical declaration about the death of metaphysics and the end of human history. In its form developed in deconstructive postmodernism, this philosophy proclaims the dissolution of the human subject. Consistently, it rejects the very concept of human person and tries to reduce human existence to the level of psychoanalytic, social and/or cultural phenomena. In this conceptual framework, either the classical version of humanism must be questioned or its nihilistic reinterpretation, in terms of a humanism of despair, should be adopted.

Biogram autora

Józef Życiński

Abp prof. dr hab. Józef Życiński (1948-2011)


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