Prawa nauk przyrodniczych a tezy logiki formalnej i metafizyki

  • Stanisław Kiczuk Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski, Wydział Filozofii
Słowa kluczowe: logika, filozofia logiki, filozofia nauki, prawo


In the first part of the article remarks are made concerning the laws of natural sciences. First of all the field of analyses of modern natural sciences is presented.

The second part of the article is devoted to a characteristic of the laws of formal logic, and especially of the laws of classical sentential calculus. The view that logical propositions state certain objective relations between states of things is explicated. After other authors, it is stressed that learning logic we not only train the art of correct thinking, but we also learn about certain relations between facts that constitute the logical structure of the world.

In the third part of the article propositions of the general theory of being, i.e. the first principles of being and propositions concerning entity compositions are characterised; also numerous comparative analyses are made. The article tries to show similarities and differences between natural sciences laws, laws of logic and theses of the general theory of being. First of all attention is drawn to relations occurring between some laws of logic of sentences and the first principles of being.
