Wartości epistemiczne: Aktualne kontrowersje w aksjologii nauki

  • Zygmunt Hajduk Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski, Wydział Filozofii
Słowa kluczowe: filozofia nauki, aksjologia, neopozytywizm, wartość


The paper discusses naturalistic axiology of L. Laudan (normative naturalism) and social epistemology of H. Longino (contextual empiricism). Both standpoints are subjected to criticism. G.Doppelt, A.Rosenberg, and H.Siegel argue that Laudan's axiology lacks any naturalistic foundation. K.Freedman shows that this objection is based on a misunderstanding of Laudan's use of the term “naturalism”. He distinguishes two senses of this term running throughout Laudan's work. Once those senses are made explicit the above objection dissappears.

Next, the attention is drawn to the virtues of Longino's epistemology as a viable alternative both to positivism and holism. The paper presents objections raised by Ph. Kitcher (the charge of relativism), F.Schmitt (the charge of incoherence) and M.Solomon (the charge of individualism) against Longino's views and arguments defending her position developed by K. B. Wray.

The paper claims that the discussions presented can be best understood within the framework of (epistemic) axiology initiated in the fifties of the XXth century – among others – by R. Rudner, C.W.Churchman, I.Levi.


Freedman K. (1999), Laudan's Naturalistic Axiology, „Philosophy of Science”, 66, nr 3, s. 526-537.

Hajduk Z. (1996), Niektóre konteksty aktualizujące problematykę wartości we współczesnych dociekaniach metodologicznych, w: Człowiek – wartości – sens. Studia z psychologii egzystencji, red. K.Popielski, Lublin, s. 85-89.

Kitcher Ph. (1994), Contrasting Conceptions of Social Epistemology, w: Socializing Epistemology, ed. F.Schmitt, Lahnam, s.111-134.

Kitcher Ph. (1991), Socializing Knowledge, „Journal of Philosophy”, 88, s.675-676.

Laudan L. (1984), Science and Values, Berkeley.

Longino H. (1990), Science as Social Knowledge, Princeton University Press.

Schmitt F. (1994), Socializing Epistemology. An Introduction, w: Socializing, s.1-27.

Solomon M. (1994), A More Social Epistemology, w: Socializing, s. 217-233.

VanFraassen Bas. (1980), The Scientific Image, Oxford.

Wray B. K. (1999), A Defense of Longino's Social Epistemology, „Philosophy of Science”, 66, nr 3, s. 538-552.
