O Arystotelesowskiej teorii poznania praktycznego
The article contains an analysis of Aristotle's views concerning ethical cognition. The author considers, among others, the following questions: (1) Did Aristotle at all know something like, literally understood, 'cognition by feeling', that is a kind of emotional defining values or normative features; and if so, then (2) Speaking of ethical aisthêsis, did he understand this kind of emotional intuition by it? The result of considerations is that although nature and contents of ethical perception do not appear in the texts of the author of Nikomachean Ethics too clearly, it can be stated that ethical perception is not common sensual perception, but it most reminds of an observation through which certain mathematical relations and truths are defined. Practical wisdom consists more in using this kind of ethical intuition than in cognition and in use of some general truths.
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