Antoni B. Stępień: stanowisko filozoficzne i działalność dydaktyczna

  • Stanisław Judycki Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski, Wydział Filozofii
Słowa kluczowe: filozofia XX w., epistemologia, fenomenologia, tomizm


The article presents the philosopher A. B. Stępień (born 1931). In the first part, against the background of philosophical trends of the 20th century, the main components of A. B. Stępień's philosophical standpoint are characterised. The author of the article includes among them: in epistemology − anti-sceptical, anti-relativist and realist views; in metaphysics − theism and stress on the possibility of rational argumentation for existence of God; in axiology − objectivist views, especially in the field of existence of moral values and norms derived from them. The next part of the article is devoted to a discussion of A. B. Stępień's didactic activities with a special stress on his contribution to the development of Polish philosophy after World War II.
