Problem umiejscowienia prionów w obszarze pogranicza życia
The status of prions' attachment to the biotic or abiotic sphere is not established. In consideration of structure prions are infections proteins – in case of animals and human being – constructs from the specifically protein calls PrPc, which PrPSc form is a prion. The prions were indicating also at fungi ([PSI] and [URE]) and yeast ([het-s]). There are big probability occurrences of prions at some another organisms, too.
According to cybernetic approach to the life organism, prions positively fulfil conditions: semi-opennesness (half-openness), complexity, hierarchicalness and structure. There are formulates some of doubts about possibility of fulfils by prion conditions of program and cybernetic system. In addition the phenomenon of self-multiplication of prion has not unequivocally estimation.
In the formulation of Tibor Gánti's life system, prion positively realises some requirements: coherent whole, coherent stability, control, and mortality. In my opinion prions negative fulfils condition: metabolism and phenomenon of adjustment. We also not observe at prions: system, which takes information, phenomenon of growth, reproduction, and heredity of changes and evolution. Final inference: it is a lack today some of precise conclusions about biotic or abiotic nature of prions.
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