Zagadnienie konstruowalności logik modalnych i relewantnych

  • Ernest Januszewski Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski, Wydział Filozofii
Słowa kluczowe: logika modalna, logika relewantna, filozofia logiki, reguła Gödla, reguła koniecznościowania


In the paper various ways are shown of constructing both modal and relevance logics. An attempt is undertaken of interpreting modal functors occurring in these logics. In the discussion special attention is paid to logical necessity. Connection of this necessity and tautologies of the classical sentential calculus is pointed to. Next, some intuitive considerations are quoted that resulted in accepting or refusing certain theses or rules on the ground of both modal and relevance logics. Especially much attention is paid to Gödel's rule.

It is stated that at the moment when modal and relevance logics were constructed satisfactory philosophical considerations were not made. In particular, it was not decided if the constructed systems give correct formalization of modal notions, and if they may be used for formalization of deductive ways of infering.


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