Eksperci, laicy i światli obywatele a problem dystrybucji wiedzy społecznie uprawomocnionej
It can be argued that the notion of the ‘axiological polytheism’ is a key concept which characterizes liberal society (democracy) in late modernity. We can observe its significant presence in I. Berlin’s concept of two liberties, and in J. Rawls’s concept of the social contract under the veil of ignorance, to recall some crucial examples where state neutrality is developed and defended. I have earlier proposed that in spite of the acceptance of the ‘value polytheism’ premise, it can be still claimed that on the ground of the ‘autopoiesis’ mechanism a political community as a body can legitimately prefer a comprehensive model of citizenship in order to keep the system on track. This is supported by the ‘social distribution of knowledge’ argument.
In my paper I try to develop this argument and to examine some obstacles it can face when possible implementation in the fabric of social and political institutions is concerned. In particular I consider some problems which are posed by the uncontrolled professional activity of some types of experts which in consequence (may) influence decisions of those who are equipped with discretionary power (like civil servants and the state apparatus); and by that token they actually may lead to shift of the whole system with regard to the above mentioned premise which seems to be constitutive of the liberal democracy. In other words, do experts qua experts possess the privileged position among other fellow-citizens as far an access to the government procedures are concerned and do they change the power system by their backstage influence and through turning the democratic system into grotesque show and manipulative facade.
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