Etos akademicki

  • Jacek Juliusz Jadacki Uniwersytet Warszawski
Słowa kluczowe: etos akademicki, nauka, uniwersytet


Academic ethos is a set of norms that are binding for a scholar as such. (1) A scholar should especially take up useful research, do it guardedly (so without infringing higher values), formulating well asked questions, using effective methods of searching for true and sufficiently justified answers to those questions — and expressing the research results in an exact, adjusted to the object of the research, simple, forcible, concise and beautiful language. (2) A scholar should undertake vital, i.e. new, fundamental, creative and difficult research. (3) Conducting research should be accompanied by passion, concentration, reliability, imagination, and self-criticism. (4) A scholar should be a guide, minder and supervisor for his pupils and co-workers. (5) A Catholic scholar should also be expected to behave in a morally impeccable way, and if he does not meet this expectation, at least he should feel ashamed of it.


Grabowski M.: Istotne i nieistotne w nauce, Toruń: Wydawnictwo ROLEWSKI 1998.

Łukasiewicz J.: O nauce, Lwów: Wydawnictwo PTF 1934.

Łukasiewicz J.: O twórczości w nauce, [w:] Księga pamiątkowa ku uczczeniu 250 rocznicy założenia Uniwersytetu Lwowskiego, Lwów 1911, s. 1-15. Przedruk w: J. Łukasiewicz, Z zagadnień logiki i filozofii, Warszawa: PWN 1961, s. 66-75.
