Wielowartościowość a pojęcia epistemiczne
The paper presents several attempts to express intuition concerning the understanding of knowledge and conviction by means of the conceptual apparatus of many-valued logic. J. Łoś’s pioneer system has been presented here, the system constructed by Ngoc Duc Ho, in which the internal logic in this system is used by the knowing subject as the three-valued logic of Łukasiewicz and the third logical value is understood as “unjustified”, and the four-valued system of N. Belnap, the system that allows for the occurrence of propositions which are evaluated both as true and false.
Belnap N.: How a Computer Should Think?, [w:] G. Ryle (ed.), Contemporary Aspects of Philosophy, G. Oriel Press, Stockfield 1976, s. 30-56.
Belnap N.: A Useful Four-Valued Logic, [w:] J. M. Dunn, G. Epstein (eds), Modern Uses of Multiple-Valued Logic, Reidel Publishing Company, Dordrecht 1977, s. 5-37.
Ho Ngoc Duc: Ein System der epistemischen Logik, [w:] W. Stelzner (hrsg.), Philosophie und Logik, Walter de Gruyter, Berlin–New York 1993, s. 205-214.
Lechniak M.: Interpretacje wartości matryc logik wielowartościowych, RW KUL Lublin 1999.
Łoś J.: Podstawy analizy metodologicznej kanonów Milla, „Annales Universitas Mariae Curie-Skłodowska”, sectio F, vol. II (1949), 5, s. 269-301.
Łoś J.: Logiki wielowartościowe a formalizacja funkcji intensjonalnych, „Kwartalnik Filozoficzny” 17 (1948), nr 1-2, s. 59-78.
Malinowski G.: Logiki wielowartościowe, Wyd. Naukowe PWN, Warszawa 1990.
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