Wyjaśnianie antropiczne w kosmologii

  • Józef Turek Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II
Słowa kluczowe: kosmiczne koincydencje, zasada antropiczna, wyjaśnianie antropiczne


The main purpose of this article is to present the essence and the role of anthropic explanation in cosmology. This explanation was proposed during the time when there was no further possibility of finding the explanation of cosmic coincidences on the ground of contemporary scientific theories. This explanation relies on the recognition of the fact of the existence of a carbon life in the Universe as a factor which explains the Universe’s global characteristics, which are a requisite for appearance of life. The explanatory value of this explanation depends on the character of relations of the connections between the cosmic coincidences and the fact of the existence of life. In the case of the Weak Anthropic Principle this explanation has a character of simple tautology. In the case of the Strong Anthropic Principle, however, it is a philosophical explanation, whose cognitive value depends on both: the correctness of these principles and their logico-mathematical coherence with the cosmic coincidences.

Biogram autora

Józef Turek, Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II

Ks. prof. dr hab. Józef Turek – Katedra Filozofii Kosmologii, Wydział Filozofii, Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II


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