Kosmoekologia: człowiek w kosmicznym środowisku

  • Honorata Korpikiewicz Uniwersytet Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu
Słowa kluczowe: Wszechświat, różnorodność, harmonia, hipoteza Gai-Uranosa, równowaga, rytm zjawisk


The author briefly summarises her considerations on the area of cosmoecology that she is developing. Therefore she has indicated the most important influences of the cosmic environment on the earthly life, a fact justifies by the hypothesis of Gaia-Uranos. She has also shortly discussed what features there must have characterised the cosmic environment so that in a place of the Universe life could begin and evolve. The problem of physical parameters of the cosmic environment necessary for life to come to existence has been noticed for ages. It culminated in the anthropic principle. Here I mention the most general features in Aristotle’s understanding of the category of being which the cosmic environment had to possess: harmony, diversity, imbalance, and rhythm of phenomena.

Biogram autora

Honorata Korpikiewicz, Uniwersytet Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu

Dr hab. Honorata Korpikiewicz – Zakład Filozofii Nauki, Instytut Filozofii, Uniwersytet Adama Mickiewicza


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