Wilhelm z Ware o ludzkich możliwościach poznania nieskończoności Boga
Question 6: Whether God as infinite is an object of theology from the Prologue to the Commentary on the Sentences written by William is a polemic with Giles of Rome and Henry of Ghent. The former contends that God is the subject of theology through the specific notion, namely as Saviour, while the latter asserts that God’s infinity is accessible to men’s knowledge only if it is understood as something added to the proper object of theology, i.e. to God. William sharpens Henry’s criticism of Giles and puts forward thesis claiming that God’s infinity is knowable as the direct object of theology. William’s proof of the cognoscibility of infinity paved the way to John Duns Scotus’s developed conception of infinity as the principal divine attribute.
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Longpré E.: Maîtres Franciscains de Paris: Guillaume de Ware, „La France franciscaine” 5 (1922), s. 71-82.
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