Logika współczesna a matematyka i filozofia

  • Stanisław Kiczuk Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II, Wydział Filozofii
Słowa kluczowe: logika współczesna, funktor prawdziwościowy, znak negacji, znak alternatywy, implikacja materialna, koniunkcja


The first part of the paper shows two types of the systems of contemporary logic placed in one of J. Bocheński’s works. The second part of the paper contains Bocheński’s theses concerning contemporary logic. They have been shown against the backdrop of the views held by other authors who discussed some kin issues. In order to supplement Bocheński’s considerations a division of functors has been added. They are divided into extensional and non-extensional. Much attention has been devoted to the problems of logical constants that is rarely discussed in learned literature. It has been stressed that at least one of Bocheński’s typologies should basically be changed, having taken into account the remarks in the paper that supplement Bocheński’s analyses. The above issues have been discussed against the backdrop of the question of relations that obtain between contemporary logic, mathematics, and philosophy.


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