Koncepcja filozofii religii

  • Piotr Moskal Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II, Wydział Filozofii
Słowa kluczowe: religia, definicja religii, filozofia religii, koncepcja filozofii religii


This paper depicts my conception of the philosophy of religion. I think that there nothing like religion in general. The world of what is customarily called religion is a very different and analogous reality. I make Catholic Christianity the starting point of this philosophy of religion. I treat it as the main analogy to the world of religion.

The objective aim of the philosophy of religion is threefold:
1) description of religion,
2) justification of religion,
3) epistemology of religious beliefs.

In the philosophy of religion understood in this manner I use methods proper to general metaphysics, philosophical anthropology, and theory of knowledge.

Biogram autora

Piotr Moskal, Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II, Wydział Filozofii

Ks. dr hab. Piotr Moskal, prof. KUL – kierownik Katedry Filozofii Religii, Wydział Filozofii KUL


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