Projekt filozofii witalnej w ujęciu José Ortegi y Gasseta

  • Dorota Leszczyna Uniwersytet Wrocławski
Słowa kluczowe: życie, rozum, okoliczność, perspektywa, prawda


The aim of the present article is to present José Ortega y Gasset’s philosophical thought, with special attention paid to his author’s project of vital philosophy. The author primarily focuses on the category of life that Gasset worked out, that is a reality with a radical and absolute character, both in the epistemological meaning enquiring about the foundation of our cognition, and in the metaphysical one, turning to the issue of being. Gasset is convinced about the necessity of overcoming the paradigm of modern philosophy that is based on hegemony of pure, mathematical reason, which, being unable to immobilize life and subject it to analysis, consequently turns away from it, assuming the thesis that the knowledge of what is dynamic and variable (doxa) is less valuable that the knowledge of what is stable and eternal (episteme) as a rule. Gasset’s aim, on the other hand, is the to bring back life and vitality to their proper place.

Biogram autora

Dorota Leszczyna, Uniwersytet Wrocławski

Mgr Dorota Leszczyna – Zakład Filozofii Nowożytnej, Uniwersytet Wrocławski


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