Na temat uderzającego przypadku Jana Czochralskiego i jego osiągnięć naukowych pozwalających podkreślić ważność roku 2013 dla upamiętnienia tej postaci

  • Adam Gadomski University of Technology and Life Sciences in Bydgoszcz, Department of Physics, Institute of Mathematics and Physics
Keywords: interdisciplinary scientific research; synergy of scientific research; physical metallurgy with metal crystallography and chemistry; researcher’s profile and biography; historical context


A question has been addressed, and then partly answered, namely, to what degree Jan Czochralski, an eminent and well-recognized abroad Polish crystallographer, chemist, and metallurgist, also a material (metal) scientist, should, when based on his achievements in research, belong to (physicochemical) metallurgy, or ought to be recognized rather as a (“pure”) chemist, working in a chemical fashion with metals and their impurities-containing alloys. The actual ground for trying to answer the intriguing question, relies on the fact that he performed his research entirely within physicochemical, or specifically, mechanochemical metallurgy of complex as well as very practical material systems that he was able to resolve successfully by his treatments. Its has been attempted to show that his type of research should be described as interdisciplinary, thus, being synergistically intermingled amongst a few cross-disciplines of technological and basic research. Astonishingly, his historical-context sensitive life, can also be viewed as the one being well networked amongst many areas of his activity, drawing him as inventor, university professor, owner, investor, art supporter, philanthropist, as well as some truly modest poetry author, or finally, husband and father of three children.


Czochralski J., Moderne Metallkunde in Theorie und Praxis. Berlin: Verlag Julius Springer, 1924 (in German).

Czochralski J., Zeitschrift für anorganische und allgemeine Chemie 144, 263 (1925).

Czochralski J., Zeitschrift für physikalische Chemie 92, 219 (1918).

Gadomski A., Chemik 57/1, 26 (2004).

Gadomski A., Europhysics News 35, 20 (2004); Chemik 42, 22 (2011).

Prusak P., Przywrόcony Pamięci [translated from Polish as: Got Back to Recognition], Kcynia-Bydgoszcz: Wydawnictwo Pejzaż, 2013 (in Polish).

Tomaszewski P., Powrót. Rzecz o Janie Czochralskim. Wrocław: Oficyna Wydawnicza ATUT & INTBiS PAN, 2012 (in Polish); English edition entitled “Jan Czochralski. Restored”. Wrocław: Oficyna Wydawnicza ATUT, 2013.
