Pojęcie osoby w antropologii Hansa Eduarda Hengstenberga

  • Piotr Pasterczyk Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II, Wydział Filozofii
Słowa kluczowe: osoba; ontologia; konstytucja; fenomenologia; hylemorfizm


The article discuss the anthropological issue of Scheler’s most successful pupil, Hans Eduard Hengstenberg. The German philosopher tried to unite two different philosophical traditions: phenomenology and classical metaphysics. His main achievement was foundation of the new anthropological position based on the phenomenological concept of Sachlichkeit and the ontology of constitution. The article explains the inner logic of Hengstenberg’s ontological position and exams his philosophical criticism against the traditional hylemorfic theory of Aristotle used as a scholastic tool for explaining the union between body and mind.


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