Uwagi polemiczne do tekstu Katarzyny Kuś Wyobrażenia obrazowe jako świadectwa na rzecz przekonań modalnych

  • Jacek Jarocki Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II


Bealer G. 2002, Modal epistemology and the rationalist renaissance, [w:] T. Gendler, J. Haw–thorne (red.), Conceivability and Possibility, New York–Oxford: Oxford University Press, s. 71-126.

Chalmers D. 1999, Materialism and the metaphysics of modality, „Philosophy and Phenomenological Research” 59 (2), s. 473-493.

Chalmers D. 2002, Does conceivability entail possibility?, [w:] T. Gendler, J. Hawthorne (red.), Conceivability and Possibility, New York–Oxford: Oxford University Press, s. 145-200.

Chalmers D. 2006, Two-Dimensional Semantics, [w:] E. Lepore, B. Smith (red.), Oxford Handbook of the Philosophy of Language, Oxford: Oxford University Press, s. 574-606.

Chalmers D. 2010a, Świadomy umysł. W poszukiwaniu teorii fundamentalnej, przeł. M. Miłkowski, Warszawa: PWN.

Chalmers D. 2010b, The Character of Consciousness, Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Chalmers D., Jackson F. 2001, Conceptual Analysis and Reductive Explanation, „Philosophical Review” 110 (2), s. 315-361.

Geirsson H. 2005, Conceivability and defeasible modal justification, „Philosophical studies” 122 (2), s. 279-304.

Hanrahan R. 2009, Consciousness and modal empiricism, „Philosophia” 37 (2), s. 281-306.

Havel I. 1999, Living in conceivable worlds, „Foundations of Science” 3 (2), s. 375-394.

Worley S. 2003, Conceivability, possibility and physicalism, „Analysis” 63 (1), s. 15-23.

Sommers T. 2002, Of zombies, color scientists, and floating iron bars, „Psyche” 8 (22), s. 1-14.

Williams B. 1966, Imagination and the Self, Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Yablo S. 1999, Concepts and consciousness, „Philosophy and Phenomenological Research” 59 (2), s. 455-463.

Yablo S. 2000, Textbook Kripkeanism and the Open Texture of Concepts, „Pacific Philosophical Quarterly” 81 (1), s. 98-122.

Yablo S. 2002, Coulda, Woulda, Shoulda, [w:] T. Gendler, J. Hawthorne (red.), Conceivability and Possibility, New York: Oxford University Press, s. 441-492.
