David de Dinanto redivivus. Znaczenie badań ks. prof. Mariana Kurdziałka nad Dinantczykiem w kontekście mediewistyki europejskiej

  • Henryk Anzulewicz Albertus-Magnus-Institut w Bonn
Słowa kluczowe: Dawid z Dinant; recepcja pism Arystotelesa w Europie Zachodniej na przełomie XII i XIII wieku; Albert Wielki; Marian Kurdziałek; dzieje badań nad Dawidem z Dinant


Philosophical ideas of David of Dinant were condemned by the Paris synod in 1210, which were confirmed in 1215 by Cardinal Robert Courçon, papal legate. The main reason of this condemnations was the David of Dinant’s materialistic pantheism. In consequence reading and owning the David of Dinant’s works became punishable by excommunication. A French scholar G. Théry partially developed his ideas according to excerptions of his works largely derived from Albert the Great, Thomas Aquinas and others. A Polish historian Aleksander Birkenmajer found in Ghent (BU 5), Oxford (Bodl. Libr. Digby 67), Paris (BnF lat. 15453) and Wien (ÖNB 4753) libraries the medieval manuscripts containing some fragments of the David of Dinant’s works. Rev. Marian Kurdziałek, a follower of A. Birkenmajer, as the author of the critical edition of David[is] de Dinanto Quaternulorum presented in a new context the early days of the Aristotle’s works reception into Latin culture. Quaternulorum fragmenta edited by M. Kurdziałek served for almost fifty years as an important source of knowledge on David of Dinant. Nowadays, Rev. M. Kurdziałek’s findings are almost fully acknowledged by the contemporary researchers of David of Dinant’s thought.


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