Ksiądz Profesor Marian Kurdziałek – promotor neoplatonizmu boecjańskiego
The eminent German medievalist, Joseph Koch, assumed that Neoplatonism had been handed down to the Middle Ages basically in two forms: the one given to the Neoplatonist outlook by St. Augustine, the other being the result of the reworking of Neoplatonist themes by Pseudo-‑Dionysius. Rev. Prof. Kurdziałek, when quoting Koch’s opinion, used to remark, that this bipartite typology was not adequate as it failed to take account of another variety of Neoplatonism that had been operative in the shaping of medieval intellectual culture, namely the Boethian Neoplatonism.
Few scholars in Poland in the second half of the 20th century devoted much attention to Boethius’ philosophy; yet contrary to the general trend, Rev. Prof. Kurdziałek constantly discussed issues and themes concerning Boethius in his lectures, monographs and articles. The author of the Consolation of Philosophy was never viewed by him as a mere intermediary or transmitter standing between antiquity and the Middle Ages; rather he presented Boethius as a thinker that was seminal in shaping medieval philosophy up to and inclusive the 12th century and even later on, even though his later influence had not been predominant. This article, based upon the study and analysis of Rev. Prof. Kurdziałek’s output aims to present his contribution to the area of Boethian studies as well as contributions made in this field by his disciples and followers.
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