Między nauką i religią-uwagi na marginesie pewnej tradycji

  • Jan Kłos Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II, Wydział Filozofii
Słowa kluczowe: instinctive thinking; science; assent; religion; reason; faith


This paper seeks to show that there is a continuity of the intellectual tradition that started in the nineteenth century and is present now. It depicts the relation between science and religion (reason and faith) in a new light, therefore in the spirit with which the rationalistic approach had been modified. This approach had narrowed reason to speculative intellect and reduced religion to a naturalised principle of social order. The main heroes in the paper are the following authors: John Henry Newman, Lord John Acton, Alfred North Whitehead oraz Michael Novak. In this chronological order, one can observe how different historical contexts may lead to similar conclusions.

The milieus of the so-called secular humanists have claimed that there is an irremovable conflict between science and religion, whereas the authors under study argue that the case is not so, that we may easily find a peaceful solution. It appears that neither reason can dispose of faith, nor faith is safe without reason. Additionally, scientific procedures often call for a similar attitude that one finds in religion. The authors under discussion practically apply the principle fides quaerens intellectum and justify its application.


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