Koncepcja Boga jako miejsca w Kazaniu CCXVI „Ubi est, qui natus est, rex Iudaeorum?” Mikołaja z Kuzy
The article contains the analysis of Cusanus’ Sermon CCXVI Ubi est qui natus est rex Iudaeorum?, describes its dependence on Expositio sancti Evangelii secundum Iohannem by Meister Eckhart and discusses the idea of God as locus omnium, present in both authors, as well as in the thought of John Scotus Eriugena. Sermon CCXVI demonstrates the importance of christology in Cusanus’ work and is an example of how the sermon genre affects the organization and explication of philosophical issues, such as the problem of the relationship between God and creation and the concept of time and space. Moreover, Nicholas of Cusa analyses the questions of the eternity of the world and of God’s place before creation. In this way, he defends some of Eckhart’s teaching, condemned in the papal Bull In agro dominico.
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