On the Representation if States of Affairs in the Antinomy of Future Contingents
The paper is a comment on the formalization of the antinomy of futura contigentia in the form of a (inconsistent) theory formulated by Marcin Tkaczyk in the language of classical predicate calculus. I argue that some features of the formalization in question are controversial from the viewpoint of formal semantics and ontology, and suggest two ways of removing some of those controversies.
Hoeltje, Miguel, Benjamin Schnieder, & Alex Steinberg. 2013. Varieties of Dependence. Philosophia Verlag.
Tahko, Tuomas E. 2013. “Truth—grounding and transitivity.” Thought: A Journal of Philosophy, 2, no. 4: 332–340. DOI: 10.1002/tht3.94.
Tkaczyk, Marcin. 2015. Futura Contingentia. Lublin: Wydawnictwo KUL.
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