What Is “Christian Ethics for the Post-Christian Age” About?
The text is an introduction to the discussion, presenting briefly the book that is its subject Etyka chrześcijańska dla postchrześcijańkiej epoki [Christian Ethics for the Post-Christian Age] by Sebastian Gałecki. The book tries to find an answer to the question of whether it is possible to re-merge the three traditions of Christian ethics (natural law, virtues, conscience) to create an ethical system expressed in a language understandable to contemporary culture, which consciously breaks up with his Christian heritage, although in fact he is still thoroughly penetrated by it.
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Dekert, Tomasz. 2010. „Chrześcijaństwo w postchrześcijańskim świecie: inny punkt widzenia”. Christianitas 44: 399–407.
Kant, Immanuel. 2002. „Imanuela Kanta Logika. Podręcznik do wykładów wydany (po raz pierwszy) przez Gottloba Benjamina Jäschego przetłumaczył dr Zygmunt Zawirski”. Filo-Sofija 1 (2): 131–164.
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