On the (Alleged) Idolatry of Religion

Keywords: idolatry, religion, theism, transcendence, God


Ireneusz Ziemiański argues that idolatry belongs to the essence of religion and for this reason a non-idolatrous religion is impossible. I formulate three objections to this thesis: the objection from "religion zero", the objection from the accidental act of worship and the objection from the non-relevance of ontic distance. The objection from “religion zero” refers to the possibility of the existence of an individual and non-institutionalised religion, thus lacking the components of typical religions that are constantly threatened by idolatry. The objection from the accidental act of worship suggests that it is possible that someone confuses the object of his own act of worship and unconsciously worships God without committing idolatry. The objection from the non-relevance of ontic distance indicates that the transcendence of God is not an obstacle to worship, but a necessary condition for it.


Ziemiński, Ireneusz. 2020. Religia jako idolatria. Esej filozoficzny o nieuchronności elementów idolatrycznych w religii. Szczecin: Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Szczecińskiego.
