Life Events of the Human Person. Ecological Approach

  • Zenon Uchnast


The model approach to structure and organization of ecosystem as a natural form has been made on the basis of J.J. Gibson's ecological approach. This model has inspired to define the principles of the system description and analysis of human life events. Undoubtedly the hitherto achievements in phenomenological and existential psychology are important here. It is the psychology oriented at the description of immediate experiences of Life world (Lebenswelt). However, this description is particularly oriented at the grasp of the aspects of human experiences with a view to the subject. Therefore a proposal to grasp the eccentric organization of human life events may be a source of inspiration to come up with a profound analysis of the subject of existence and his Life world as their fellow participants. The information about mutual affordance of the participants of events that a human being gives plays a special role in the organization of his or her life activity. This information bears a rather symbolic than abstract character. Moreover, the model grasps of existential events appears to be useful in the analysis of the events of personal dialogue, which makes the basis in grasping the person-existing-in-the world as the subject-matter of systematic psychological analysis. The presented here grasp of the structure and organization of human life events on the basis of the model of ecosystem may inspire to a system analysis of human activity, starting from its pre-conscious expressions to conscious symbolic information within the events of personal dialogue.


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