On the Formal Ontology of Being and Time
In the paper the concept of ontological theory is defined according to the general principles of Aristotelian metaontology. The following question concerning the structure of ontology is formulated: What are the main methodological types of axiomatic ontological theories and what basic relationships occur between them? It is noted that there are three distinct ideas of formal ontology in both traditional and analytic philosophy: logical, explicative, and empirical ontology. The aim of the paper is twofold: 1) to indicate a homogeneous concept of formal ontology that takes into account these ideas and provides a solution to the question of the structure of ontology, and 2) to use this concept for the construction of basic examples of theories of being and time. The paper consists of the following sections: Introduction. 1.1 Three concepts of formal ontology. 1.2 On logical ontology. 1.3 On explicative formal ontology. 2.1 Monadic second order theory of identity and membership. 2.2 Explicative theory of filled time. 2.3 Towards the empirical ontology of real world. Conclusion
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