Individualized Skeptical Theism
In the paper I propose a modification of the position called “Skeptical Theism.” It was created as a response to two most serious arguments against the existence of God: “the argument from evil” and “the argument from hiddenness.” The paper attempts to answer the questions: how sceptical theism differs from other forms of theism? Is “Skeptical Theism” a step forward in dealing with the problem of evil and the problem of hiddenness? Is it possible to modify “skeptical theism” in such a way that it is able to cover individual cases of experiencing evil and the feeling that God is absent. “Individualized Skeptical Theism” that I propose not only contains all the new elements that “Skeptical Theism” has brought to the discussion of the problem of evil and the problem of hiddenness, but also secures the element of individuality that is present in every person’s struggle with these problems. It also allows us to outline strategies that may prove useful for supporters of theism, the most important of which is the testimony of one’s own struggle with the problem of evil and the problem of hiddenness.
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