The Doctrine of Pneuma and the Bioplasma Concept. II. The Properties and Functions of Pneuma and Bioplasma in the Animated Nature
A comparison was made between the concept of bioplasma put forward in the realm of the present biophysics and the doctrine of pneuma of the Old Stoa. It was shown that both of them were considered as unifying factors throughout the Cosmos as a whole, as well as all animated and unanimated beings. Pneuma and bioplasma are seen as performing similar essential biological functions e.g.: the overall control of bioprocesses, and putting them in direct contact with the rest of the world. Yet, both concepts ought not be compared directly. The reason is that in the Old Stoa pneuma is dealt with in the philosophical manner. Having bodily nature, it is considered as the active principle, imbuing all beings with their specific qualities: the plants, animals, man, and eventually the whole Universe with life, sensitivity, and reason. On the other hand, the concept of bioplasma is formulated primarily in the domain of natural sciences. In the present author's opinion the last of the three of its formulations (i.e. the „orthodoxially physical”, W. S. Iniushin's, and W. Sedlak's one), is closest to the sense of the Stoic doctrine of pneuma.
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