Bioethics: One or Many? About the Possibility of Consensus in Bioethics
The birth of bioethics as a distinct branch of applied ethics is connected with extremely intensive extension of biomedical sciences in the second half of the 20th century. The problems which are connected with practical application of the achievements in contemporary medicine are not only of pragmatic but also of ethical character. The moral nature of these problems is specifically dealt with by bioethics. The interdisciplinary character of the research carried out in the field of bioethical analyses provokes a set of methodological problems; firstly, the problem of the nature and definition of bioethics. The development of bioethics is accompanied by a diversity of standpoints, often excluding each other. The authors who represent these mutually-excluding standpoints accept, at the point of departure, different ethical and anthropological principles. Thus we do not speak about one bioethics, but rather about many bioethical theories. The pluralism of bioethical standpoints is seen by some authors as an inheritance of postmodernism, some others are trying to look for general and universal bioethical principles. Such a consensus appears impossible due to the diversity of the conceptions of the person in contemporary bioethics. So the consensus in bioethics should be looked for rather in the field of anthropology.
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