About analogous prediction about God in philosophical language

  • Józef Herbut Catholic University of Lublin, Faculty of Philosophy
Keywords: natural theology, God, God's attributes


Since there is a partial similarity between God and creation, the being of God can be recognized in an analogous way from the properties of creation. Traditional natural theology has found three ways to do this: denial, affirmation, and perfection. Knowledge of God thus obtained is highly abstract when expressed in the language of traditional metaphysics.

The concepts of the attributes of God that are used in contemporary philosophy are not so abstract; but mostly they are unclear. In such a situation it would be appropriate not to forget that inference is the essential means of realizing what we are saying.

Finally, a modern reformulation of the analogous speeches about God is presented (H. G. Hubbeling's proposition in: Introduction to Religious Philosophy, Göttingen 1981, pp. 173-175).
